My Day So Far

Before 7 A.M. today I cleaned the cat box, one of the guinea pig cages and gave this cute little stink-pot a bath, (yes, he really smelled that bad). Then I discovered that someone hadn't shut the freezer drawer all the way, resulting in our no-frost freezer covering everything in snow and ice. Let me tell you, there is nothing more rewarding than chipping ice off the freezer and throwing away mounds of good food. I guess I have to go to the supermarket now.
you are a domestic goddess...i hate cleaning out the fridge/freezer.
you are a good house wife
the best is finding old waffle pieces under the couch by seeing a trail of ants! you swear you'd never have your kids watch TV while they eat breakfast, then you realize at some point you have to take a shower. like your blog...
Can I just say that I was one of those kids that left food in hard to find places. What sparked my memory was "This and Thats" commentfinding a waffle under the couch. My story begins in a little breakfast room off of our family kitchen, I was about 5 and was getting pressure from my friends,who were at the back door, to come out and play. Was I allowed out to play ?, no not until I finished my peanut butter and Jelly sandwich and glass of milk. UGh !! the frustration, the pressure ! As I had my head down in the pouting possition, I looked at the floor and noticed that where the pipe came through the floor and into a small radiator there was a space just big enough for me to jam my sandwich into, drink my milk fast,and be on my way to play with my friends. What a great idea, how smart was I ! Oh yea, until I heard my mom two days later complaining to my dad about the ant problem and where on earth were they coming from. I think started to get nervous when my dad decided to infestigate, and them I broke into a sweat when I tip toed around the corner to find my mom and dad bent over the radiator and pulling out my crusty sandwich covered with ants ! I quickly ran to my bedroom of which I knew I would probably be confined to for the rest of the afternoon. Amy
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