
Please tell me, who in their right mind would pick these slippers up in a store say, two weeks before christmas and think to themselves, "Wow, what a great looking slipper, that color, that shape, this is something I've just got to give to my wife as a present". Unbelievably that someone would be my husband. What makes the whole thing even more distrubing is that I WEAR them.
I've only had these slippers for a few months and they are already ruined. I've had to mash down the back so that I could actually walk in these beauties and they are a little dirty because I've been nervy enough to wear them to the mailbox. I've promised myself that I would get rid of them, find a pair of chic moccasin-type slippers instead, but I haven't done it. On the days when I don't have to leave the house before 2pm, I end up staying in them all day.
What I have begun to wonder is what 1950s house wives would wear on their feet while they were at home, and that perhaps, the effort to look lovely no matter what they were doing, was really a way to demonstrate power and efficiency to their husbands, a way to say, see how effortlessly I can perform all these taks, notice how lovely I look while doing it?
But maybe for those women there was more to dressing up while doing the housework then just impressing a husband. When I happen to catch sight of my feet incased in these shapeless bulbs of fabric, my self esteem seems to take on the "look" of the slippers; dumpy, shabby and dirty. I could be shower fresh and wrinkle free, but those slippers make me feel like a slob. Perhaps dressing for the day, not matter what they were doing, was a way for women to feel on the ball. A way of vaulting themselves over the sandwiches that needed to be made, the dishes in the sink, a way for them to feel fabulous while hanging the laundry on the line.